Our Hiring Process

Stage 1


We are delighted that you have taken the time to apply for an opportunity here at MAPP and will keep you updated throughout the process, whatever the outcome of your application. 
Stage 2


Just as you have taken the time to apply, we take the time to review each and every application that comes through to us. We assess the suitability of each application against the role’s needs and requirements before proceeding. 
Stage 3

1st Stage Interview

Our hiring manager will conduct an in-depth conversation with you around your background, work experience, skills, knowledge about the company, and more. Often this is described as the technical interview. This is a great time to ask any extra questions about the role or MAPP so please do have some prepared! 

*Top Tip - always check out our website and social media channels for current news and general MAPP information. 
Stage 4

2nd Stage Interview

Our hiring manager will dive a little deeper into your working experience and practice, working style and how you work with others. This will include some culture questions to allow us to determine if we are the right place for you to grow and prosper and if this team is the best place for you to succeed. This is often described as the Culture and Team Fit Interview. 

Top Tip - we love questions about MAPP that may fall outside the remit for this role, please do feel free to ask anything that may spring to mind - endless coffee supplies?  Snacks on tap?  You name it!  (and also some of those important questions such as benefits, career progression and future team plans)
Stage 5


This is one of those bits of news that we love to deliver and really is our favourite part of the recruitment process here at MAPP. It is like getting a tax rebate from the HMRC, you have an offer on a house accepted or you got into your first choice university. We think you are awesome and will be a great addition to the MAPP community and as a result, delighted to invite you to join MAPP.  

All our paperwork is sent out electronically to speed things up & we have a few welcome surprises in the mail so keep your eyes peeled in the run up to starting with us!